Octopus and spaghetti is an exquisite delight that can be frightful to those who have never tried this dish from the Italian American Kitchen. The very thought on a dinner plate chase many away. But the sweet flavor and tender texture of a well braised octopus can give lobster some viable opposition. The one difficulty with preparing octopus is finding it.If you live in a metropolitan area you can usually find octopus in a good fish market or in an Asian grocery store. One of my sources is H-Mart. Even then, finding a large octopus may be unusual. And, if you do find one, it is usually frozen. Baby octopus, however, are usually plentiful. The one drawback with the babies is that you don’t get nice big pieces. While a large octopus can stand alone as a dish, baby octopus work well as part of a mixed preparation such as a sea food salad or, as an accompaniment to spaghetti. That’s where I’m going here. Spaghetti and octopus is a very simple recipe but one that requires time. It’s the slow, long braising that renders the meat so sweet and tender.
Like its relative, squid, octopus must be cooked very, very quickly or for at least an hour. Anything between that and you will have shoe leather. As with so many home style recipes, spaghetti and octopus has many, many variations. Many people add tomatoes, and while tomatoes are certainly a tasty addition, I thought I would leave them out. Not everything Italian has to be in red sauce. In this version I’ve used anchovies to add more of a salty ocean taste.You might also use brined olives.For a spicy edge, add red pepper flakes.To finish the braise I’ve used about a half cup of red wine just to intensify the flavors.But the addition of any liquid is really not necessary. When the kettle is covered, the octopus will give off enough liquid to braise itself. Overcome your fear of tentacles.Spaghetti and octopus will win you over.
What you need
Getting things together - the mise en place
The ready items

This is one of the easiest preps.
Cooking, The Braise
Finish the spaghetti

Use tongs to move the spaghetti to the kettle. You want the added spaghetti water.
Stir it about and let it simmer for another minute or two.
Stir it about and let it simmer for another minute or two.
Plate and serve